Ever since I wrote the character of Rory Tephra, the SEAL-turned-spy in Deadly Force, I knew I had to give him his own book. This week, I completed the draft of Covert Tactics, featuring him and Dr. Amelia Thorpe, his physical therapist. It took a long time, but he’s finally going to get his happily ever after, and I couldn’t be happier for him!Are you ready to see the cover? I absolutely love it.

Covert Tactics, SEALs of Shadow Force: Spy Division, Book 5
Rory put me through my paces, I’ve got to tell you. He’s carrying a lot of baggage from what happened to him in Deadly Force, SCVC Taskforce Series, Book 3.
Vivi ( the psychiatrist you met in Covert Affairs) and I had a ball tormenting him by forcing him to discuss his feelings in this book (cue evil laughter). And he fell SO hard for Amelia. I love taking a smartass alpha male and turning him into a ball of goo when his heart gets turned upside down
My outline had way different scenes for the two of them, but once I started writing, they completely took over and I just sat back (along with Vivi) and watched, popcorn in hand.
I did a bunch of research on brain trauma, child abduction rings (please don’t look at my search history, FBI), and jewelry heists. Fascinating stuff, and although I took tiny liberties with a few elements for the story’s sake, as always, I stuck as close to the facts as possible.
I can’t wait to share this story with you in a few months! Preorder here from my store and retailer links will be up March 15th (if not sooner!) And if you want to get Rory’s backstory before then, grab your copy of Deadly Force, SCVC Taskforce Series, Book 3.