Misty Evans

What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?

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Besides reading, of course! No guilt there, right?

Is it food? Clothes? Gaming? Netflix?

For me, it’s… <looks around to see who’s listening>…

Watching craft videos.

Yep, I’m a big crafter and I dream of doing ALL the crafts (Have you checked out Creative Bug?). I’ve tried quite a few, too, and enjoyed them. When we moved in 2022, however, I packed all my craft stuff away and I still haven’t gotten it out.

We’re remodeling our new home and a dream of mine is turning a spare bedroom at the front of the house into a craft room. The subject has come up a few times, but with an endless list of Must Dos, it was put on the back burner. The burner so far back, no one can see it because it’s lost in the shadows of REMODELING HELL.

Over the weekend, we sat in front of the fireplace and discussed what project hubby is going to tackle next. Looks like an under-the-sink RO water system. Exciting stuff, right?

Well…he also said, “I’ve been thinking about that big bedroom up front. You need a craft room, and that’s the perfect spot.”

Happy dancing ensued.

So now, I’m indulging in Pinterest boards to get ideas. I’m almost giddy thinking about how I’m going to lay it out. When I watched a few craft videos this weekend, I felt a new rush of anticipation – soon I can try more of them. Soon, I can leave my sewing machine and jewelry supplies out. Soon, I’ll have a big-screen TV to watch all my coveted crafting videos on.

So tell me, what’s YOUR guilty pleasure? Do you have a Pinterest board for it? If so, share!

Have a great week,

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