Misty Evans

Read Grave Magic now! (Official release July 11th)

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Hello dear reader! Grave Magic, The Accidental Reaper Paranormal Urban Fantasy Series, Book 5, releases July 11th. Chloe is up against her final noncompliant soul before her employee agreement with Soul Management Group expires. Can she do it? Will she really walk away from SMG and magic and renew her agreement? Find out now by joining me on Ream Stories! Read the first chapter here:


I’m so excited for the release of this story! I can’t believe it’s been a full year since the first Chloe and Killion story, Grim & Bare It, released. So much has happened since then and what an adventure I’ve been on with these characters.

To whet your appetite for GRAVE MAGIC, here is an excerpt:

©2023 Misty Evans

Trinity’s black lips curved upward. I thought she was going to speak, but her hands emerged from the sleeves of her robe and she threw a glowing ball at me.

Instinctively I raised the blade once more, again slicing the spell in half. The midnight black energy disintegrated into a dozen glittering crystals that tinkled when they hit the ground. “Don’t be rude,” I growled.

And then I lunged.

She was fast, but not as quick as I was. The metal of my scythe missed her chest by a fraction, but took off a section of fabric from the arm she threw up in defense.

Another spell blasted from her hand and I ducked and whirled from its path, slicing at her once more with my weapon. She dodged and laughed. “Queen of the Dead, you may be the incarnation of Hecate and the Morrigan, but my master will protect me from your blade, no matter.”

My attention snagged on the term master. I halted my attack. “Who do you serve?”

She took a step backward, as if she would bleed into the night and disappear. “He sent me to find you. To test you. To start a war that even you can’t stop.”

“Yeah, well, there’s been quite a few who’ve tried that and more. All of them have failed.”

Her smile was confident. “We will not. I will not.”

“Hello?” An unknown voice carried across the cemetery. It was indistinct and could have been male or female. “I search for the reaper.”

Trinity bent forward, giving me a mock bow. “Hir yw’r dydd a hir yw’r nos, a hir yw aros Arawn. Until we meet again.”

As the stranger rushed across the ground toward me, Trinity twirled her robes and vanished.

Want to read the rest? Hop over to my online store and get it NOW.

OR join my Ream Stories community and read it there! Either way, I hope you’ll visit my page there and let me know what you think. I have so many BONUS stories to share with you!

THE FIRST SEVEN readers who sign up at ANY tier on Ream will receive a gift from me after three months of membership. You can chose from a beaded bookmark or keychain I will custom make for you with a cute grim reaper charm!

Why sign up now? You’ll get EARLY access to Grave Magic! From Friday, June 23rd – Tuesday, July 4th, you’ll receive two chapters a day and get to read the entire novel a week BEFORE it’s official release at retailers on July 11th. PLUS, that FREE gift to the first seven FOUNDING members! Win-win!

Sign up for a month and see what you think. Try it out. You can cancel at anytime (remember, you must be a member for three months to receive the sign up bookmark/keychain).

You all have my undying appreciation. I write for YOU. I want to keep writing for you. This platform gives me a way to make your reader experience so much more vaulable and for us to grow our community based on stories and friendship.

Here’s the link againhttps://reamstories.com/mistyevans. And to my online store where you can buy Grave Magic direct:

Forever a storyteller,

Misty  💜

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