Guides and guardians, regardless of what form they appear in, are energy. They come from INSIDE you, and are a part of you.
You are spiritual energy, and so are they. Spirit guides work in consultation with your Higher Self to guide you through your lifetime and help you deal with challenges you may face so that you learn your master (soul) lessons.
There are many ways to call in your spirit guides, and you’ll find the one that works best for you.
Watch the video about how to do this here:
Here is a list of the many ways to work with them:
Ask! Your guides are always with you and ready to help. Invite them in, meditate on them, and watch for signs.
Even a simple request to give you inspiration to find a solution is enough to activate their help.
Instead of saying, “I wonder what my angels think about that?” Ask them! “Dear guardian angel, what do you think about this situation/person/choice?” Make a simple list of ways they can help.
Oracle/Tarot Cards and Runes. There are plenty of card decks and runes you can buy that can reveal important information and guidance. I tap into my cards daily for advice from my higher self and guides.
I do a yearly forecast in January for the coming year, pulling one to two cards for each month, weekly cards to show me the energy surrounding me and who’s working with me that week, and then I draw daily cards for the general vibe for the day. If I have a specific question, I go to my decks or pendulum.
Meditate, meditate, meditate. Whatever type of mediation works for you, get still inside and listen. REALLY LISTEN.
Turn off electronics and outside distractions. Be conscious. Be mindful.
Gratitude. Imagine a child who says, “gimme, gimme, gimme” all the time. After a while, you tune them out, right?
Sometimes, when all we do is ask our guides for more, and don’t stop to acknowledge and express gratitude for what we already have, the Universe has a way of tuning us out.
Make space for gratitude every day and be clear about what you really need in your life. Your guides can help you clear out the old, stagnant energy, and keep you from being overwhelmed on what you need to work on.
Go outside and commune with nature. Nature is full of signs and symbols. Feathers, faces in tree trunks, bees and other insects. Tune in and you’ll find a completely intoxicating world.
As a shaman, I often use the wind as a guide. I stand still near my willow tree, get centered, and ask a question. If the breeze lifts my hair, it’s yes. It it’s still, it’s no or not now.
Believe. If you don’t believe you will connect with your guides, you won’t. The more you trust, the more signs you’ll see. Release the outcome and trust in the universe to co-create with you.
Crystals, oils, listening to music, and employing other talismans can be a huge help.
Ask for dreams. Guides and guardians have a much easier time communicating with us when we are just starting to fall asleep or are waking up because our brains shift and our energies open. During the dream state, they can appear to us in any form and give us messages through signs and symbols.
Loved Ones. If connecting with a spirit who’s passed over, try using a piece of jewelry or something that was connected to them in this lifetime to assist you in communicating with their energy.
BONUS 1: Crystals I recommend for connection and communication with various types of guides:
Angelite, Celestite, Amethyst, Apophyllite, Kyanite, Spirit Quartz, Angel Aura Quartz, Azurite, Seraphinite, and Clear Quartz.
If working with the animal kingdom, Jaspers and Agates work well.
For ancestors and past civilizations, try shamanic stones such as Shattukite and Lemurian Quartz.
For cosmic connections, Astrophyllite and Moldavite are recommended.
If working with the Elemental Kingdom, crystals such as Fairy Quartz, Septarian (Dragon’s Egg), Merlinite, and Nuumite (Sorcerer’s Stone) are highly effective.
BONUS 2 – It’s NOT Your Spirit Guide When:
- It’s not inspiring, or you hear negative talk, criticism, etc.
- If they don’t go away when you tell them.
- Your guide will never insist you do something. They will support, inspire, and offer suggestions but never insist you have to do anything. You have free will, and it’s important to discern between the ego or thought forms/lower vibrational energies that demand or coerce.