So now you’ve called in your guide(s). How do you know when they’re answering?
How do you figure out what their messages mean? Check out the video for this lesson here:
Signs, symbols, recurring numbers, dreams, light orbs, even a random stranger can sometimes give us a message from our guides.
For example: Perhaps a friend mentions the exact same book, event, or workshop as another in the space of a very short time period (your guide is putting it in your path so you read or attend!).
Or while thinking about a new career or relationship, you keep seeing your favorite number (your guide is saying, “yes, you’re on the right path!”)
Messages can have a practical meaning and a metaphorical one. Again, use your imagination if, at first, you “don’t get it.” They provide us with confirmation that we are moving in the right direction for our highest good.
And sometimes, a bird is just a bird! Or a dream is just your subconscious.
But if it resonates with you when you hear your favorite song come on just when you’re thinking about taking the plunge on a new career or diet, then guess what?
It’s a NOT a coincidence. It’s a sign to do it!
Meditation (aka Magic Prayer) is still one of the most effective ways to receive and understand messages.
Enhance your meditation sessions with crystals, oracle cards, and the other tools we discussed in the previous unit to raise your vibe and help clarify the messages you receive.
Free writing after meditation is a great way to clarify messages you receive.
Free writing allows the voice of your guides to work through you. Listen and watch /listen for the words to come. When they do, start writing.
Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even the content.
Write until the words stop.
When there are no more words, go back and read what you have written.
Creativity in any form allows the right brain to take the driver’s seat.
This allows you to think outside the box and gain clarity that no amount of left-brain analyzing will offer.
Do things that bring joy, and allow yourself to be bad at them.
Arts, crafts, cooking, playing with kids, writing, music, dance… they all employ inspiration (“in spirit”).
You’ll have more “aha” moments when you tap into your inner child.
Other Resources:
There are many books and internet sites that provide interpretations for signs and symbols. Also for signs involving animals and dreams.
Look into numerology if you see repeating numbers. Joanna Scribes has a wonderful site that interprets numbers, and gives insight into the different angels and ascended masters.…/index…
Here’s the link to my guided audio meditation to help you connect to your guides:
Here’s a Crystal Reiki video to help you clear your psychic abilities and help you connect to your guides:
When you feel challenged:
One of the biggest challenges to interpreting messages is releasing expectations and moving our ego out of the way.
So often, we ask a question, and we have an answer that we want already in mind.
When we come from that perspective, we run the risk of twisting and turning each message we get to give us the desired answer.
Try to let go of the answer you want to get and focus on what’s coming across to you objectively.
Ask yourself: What could the meaning of this message be? How does it relate to what I am asking about or dealing with?
***Remember: YOU HAVE FREE WILL. You don’t have to do or believe what the message tells you!
If you are uncertain about the meaning of the message, ask for another one and say, “Make it clear, please!”
Or use your pendulum or muscle testing to confirm or negate.
Ask yourself if you’re seeing/hearing various messages that align with the issue you are currently having that point to a solution for you.
If so, consider that’s a yes; you’re on the right track.
If you are getting messages through your dreams, keep a dream journal and grab a dream interpretation dictionary.
Dictionaries tend to be generic, so ALWAYS trust your intuition over anything they might say.
If you feel that the dream symbolizes something different than in the dictionary, go with that.
If you have a song stuck in your head, write down the part of the song that is replaying itself.
You might not have the lyrics completely correct, but don’t worry about that.
Sometimes it is more about the concept than the actual words.
Don’t think about the entire song, just the part that is coming to you. How does that part relate to your question or situation?
Be specific in your question or request so that it is easier to interpret the message you receive.
So, for example, ask just one question rather than three.
Word the question so it’s simple and clear.
Try to ask a yes/no question, if possible, so that it is even easier to understand the response you get.
If you’re struggling, ask someone you trust or a spirit communicator (like a psychic or shaman) to give you their interpretation.
Again, trust your intuition. If it doesn’t resonate with you, reject it.
But having a conversation with someone else can give you a different perspective on the meaning of the message.