Misty Evans

Spirit Guides 101: Lesson 3 – Clearing Blockages to Spirit Guide Connection

Connecting with your Higher Self and your guides can be challenging if the lines aren’t clear and open. Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/w1RFAfubxAs

You’re a channel for the divine to speak through, but you’re in a physical body with certain limitations. Some of those you control and/or can do something about.

Think of your body as a water faucet. If the pipes are old and rusty, corroded, or full of sludge, what you get from the tap isn’t drinkable. If the pipes are well-kept and clean, the water is clear and pure.

If you’ve tried reaching out to a spirit guide and ended up frustrated, or the signal is coming in fuzzy, muddy, or seems to experience lots of interference, you have a blockage. Luckily, this is fixable!


Here’s What To Do:

Clean up your system. Avoid drugs and alcohol.

The ego loves to make you think you’re being inspired and making connections with spirit when your senses are dulled, but in reality, what you may connect with is not for your highest good. T

This is not to say you should quit your prescription meds or never have a glass of wine. Far from it. But if you’re getting ready for a meditation session, consider avoiding things that mess with your faculties.


Psychic Attack– If you are struggling with hearing your guide’s intuitive voice, the cause may be due to someone who is either dependent on you or has a problem with you.

They often don’t even realize they’re doing it, but these energy vampires make you feel negative and exhausted. It’s hard to hear loving guidance if your inner being is fighting off someone else’s negativity.

You must identify the energy vampire and work on your boundaries and borders. Use tools to raise your vibrational frequency, have regular Reiki/energy sessions, and develop firm psychic boundaries and protection. (If you know this is an issue for you and you’d like to work with me one-on-one to develop your psychic abilities and protect yourself, please contact me about my Psychic Development Program.)


Over-analyzing and intellectualizing everything – If you never allow the left brain to rest, and you’re always a skeptic or look for the worst-case scenario, you keep your central nervous system in a constant state of hyperawareness concerning your environment, ready to fight or fly all the time.

If you spend too much time on your phone or computer, or you worry and stress about finances and your job, this creates a fuzzy cloud of energy around your mind, blocking your 3rd eye.

Meditation and getting out in nature can help. Use positive affirmations and question your negative attitude and belief system on a daily basis. If you’re logical mind insists “none of this is real”, ask it to play a game then with you. Pretend it IS real.


Nutrition – Junk food can cloud your intuition and psychic abilities.

Cleaning up your daily food intake can also clean up your psychic body and brain. Consider reducing sugar, dairy, gluten, and chemically processed foods.

Do a food sensitivity test if possible. You don’t have to give any of it up completely, but if you’re having difficulties hearing and sensing your guides, consider small tweaks.

Fluoride is another cause of interference – Americans get more fluoride than they need and it calcifies the pineal gland (which is directly connected to the psychic senses.)


Past-life trauma – You can be blocked because in a past life you were condemned for believing in and practicing healing, magic, or your psychic gifts.

Or you might have been someone who condemned others for being psychic.

Past-life regressions are enormously helpful for this. If you’re interested in finding out more about your past lives, consider starting with a past-life birth chart analysis. I look at your birth chart and using a guide, I can tell you whether you’ve had any past lives as a healer, mystic, priest/priestess, astrologer, etc.

And if you want to find out about past life cords, contracts, and vows that are holding you back in this lifetime, please contact me about my Soul Sessions Program. I’ll be happy to send you information.


Childhood beliefs – check your beliefs and past conditioning from your childhood. If you were raised to believe that being psychic is evil or that you shouldn’t try to connect with Spirit, this can hamper your communication with loving wisdom and divine truth.

Rooting out these often subconscious attitudes can be challenging, but so worth doing.