Misty Evans

Spirit Guides 101: Lesson 2 – Types of Spirit Guides

In this lesson, I’ll walk you through the various types of guides, including Angels, Ascended Masters, Gods & Goddesses, Animal Totems, and Ancestors.

Spirit guides are understood through diverse spiritual and cultural perspectives, reflecting a rich tapestry of metaphysical beliefs about non-physical supportive entities.

Categories of Spirit Guides

Ancestral Guides

  • Deceased family members
  • Genetic lineage connections
  • Provide familial wisdom and protection

Ascended Masters

  • Enlightened spiritual teachers
  • Represents various spiritual traditions
  • Offer profound spiritual guidance
  • Examples: Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mary

Angelic Beings

  • Celestial messengers
  • Multiple hierarchical levels
  • Provide universal love and protection
  • Include:
    • Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)
    • Guardian angels
    • Seraphim and cherubim

Elemental Guides

  • Nature spirits
  • Connected to earth elements
  • Include:
    • Earth spirits
    • Water spirits
    • Air spirits
    • Fire spirits

Extraterrestrial/Star Beings

  • Interdimensional entities
  • Advanced spiritual consciousness
  • Offer cosmic perspectives
  • Associated with:
    • Pleiadian beings
    • Arcturian guides
    • Sirian consciousness

Animal Totems

  • Spirit animals
  • Represent archetypal energies
  • Provide instinctual wisdom
  • Guide through life challenges

Understanding spirit guides involves recognizing their diversity and personal resonance. No single perspective is definitive; individuals are encouraged to explore and discover their unique spiritual connections.


Here’s a deeper dive into some types of Spirit Guides:

Angels usually need no introduction! These divine beings work selflessly to heal and protect humans.

Archangels are the most well-known.

Michael – The Protector. Michael helps us have the courage we need to follow our truth path in life, and he helps disconnect us from harmful people and situations.

Gabriel -The Communicator – Gabriel is the patron of teachers or anyone needing to communicate through public speaking, writing or any creative form. Gabriel can clear any blockages in your throat and assist you in channeling insightful information.

Raphael – The Physical Healer – if you have physical ailments or pain, are undergoing any type of surgery or procedure, call on Raphael to help.

Uriel – The Emotional Healer – assists you to act calmly, feel at peace, and bring calm to any situation.

Chamuel- The Finder – finds lost or missing things. This can include jobs, partners, careers, homes; anything that you are wanting in your life. Promotes global peace and love.

There are many other divine helpers that can assist you with whatever you need, as longs as it’s in your best and highest good. These include:

Travel Guardians

Romance Helpers

Health Experts

Career Guides

Manifesting Helpers

Almost anything you can think of has a spiritual helper to go with it. And if you don’t know who to call on, just say, “Whoever can help me with this, I need you!”


Star/Cosmic beings – I tend to look at all cosmic and star beings as more angelic than human, but there are levels of those, like ascended masters, who may have been in physical form on a planet at some point.

The more I worked with star seeds and indigos, the more I experienced the very real presence of these cosmic beings.

They are closer to the divine/angelic energy than earthly forms, and I slot them between Ascended Masters and Angels.


Ascended Masters are guides who once walked the earth in physical form and have volunteered to assist humanity in spirit form.

The most familiar are Jesus, Buddha, and Mother Mary.

You do not have to be of any particular religion to call upon or feel their protection and guidance.

Merlin: Merlin is a phenomenal healer, alchemist, and helps us connect with our ancient gifts.

His magic is perfect for changing any part of our life that is no longer serving us into the gold of new opportunities, relationships, and life purpose.

Quan Yin: known as the female Buddha, Quan Yin has beautiful pink energy, and helps release old hurts and wounds that are damaging.

She helps us feel compassion for ourselves and others.

Saint Germaine: The violet flame of St. Germaine is a wonderful tool for releasing and burning away anything that no longer serves us.

When you need help shifting a stubborn or difficult problem, imagine placing that problem in the violet flame, purifying and cleansing it.


Gods and Goddesses, including Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Celtic, can also be called upon for guidance.

Much like the Ascended Masters, they are often associated with a particular skill or ability and can offer guidance in that area.

My main guide for the past several years has been the Goddess Isis. Her skills with transformation, rebirth, and past lives all support my work on daily basis.

Along with her guidance, I pull a card from my goddess oracle deck each week to assist me with embracing the archetype I’ll need for the week.


Animal totems are some of the most common spiritual helpers.

Some are pets that have passed over the rainbow bridge, others may appear in dreams or we may feel a certain affinity for a particular wild animal, such as a wolf, bear, or dolphin.

Each one represents a particular strength we would like to embody.

In shamanism, we consider them lower-world guardians, protecting us on our journeys and showing us what we need to work with on the physical plane.


Ancestors and spirits who’ve passed over are often like guardian angels, watching over and protecting us.

We often feel their presence, smell their perfume, see their energy orbs, or dream of them.

Since we knew them on the physical plane, and they continue to exist in our memories and heart, they’re typically the easiest to connect with.


Check out the video on Guides and Guardians here: https://youtu.be/fCIH901hcyA