Misty Evans

Spirit Guides 101: Lesson 1 – What’s Your Gift?

Intuition: Your Spiritual Communication System

Our physical senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell – are limited to perceiving the material world. The psychic clairs represent an expanded sensory system that allows us to receive information beyond physical perception. Think of them as spiritual antennae that pick up subtle energetic communications.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/HXjDE8mkGwI

Just as a radio receives invisible sound waves, our intuitive senses can receive guidance, insights, and messages from spirit guides that transcend ordinary perception. These intuitive channels offer:

  • Deeper understanding of life situations
  • Guidance beyond logical reasoning
  • Emotional and spiritual support
  • Insights into personal growth and challenges

The Four Primary Psychic Senses

  1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
  • Visual intuitive perception
  • Receiving guidance through mental images, symbols, or visions
  • Seeing spirit guide messages as pictures or mental snapshots
  • Often experienced as spontaneous mental imagery
  1. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
  • Intuitive auditory perception
  • Receiving spiritual guidance through inner voices, words, or sounds
  • Hearing spirit guide messages as distinct thoughts or audio-like communications
  • Can feel like an internal conversation or sudden insights
  1. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)
  • Emotional and physical intuitive perception
  • Experiencing spirit guide guidance through bodily sensations and emotional impressions
  • Feeling energy shifts, emotional downloads, or physical responses
  • Sensing guidance through gut feelings or emotional resonances
  1. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)
  • Intuitive mental knowing
  • Receiving instantaneous understanding without logical explanation
  • Experiencing sudden, complete insights about situations or decisions
  • Perceiving spirit guide wisdom as immediate, unexplainable knowledge

Developing Your Psychic Senses

Each clair is a natural spiritual communication pathway. Working with them can help you communicate more effectively with your guides and Higher Self.

Most people have one or two that are strongest.


A Few Other Terms To Know:

Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) – If you’re a highly sensitive person, your nervous system literally picks up more information than the average person.

This often goes hand in hand with strong psychic abilities and empathy.

Empath – you take on sensations and emotions of other people and feel them in your own body.

Intuitive – you are able to tap into subconscious information in order to receive guidance about your everyday life.

Trust your intuition and use it daily to strengthen it.

It should be your 1st sense, not your 6th!

They say 95% or more of what exists in the world is unseen, intangible, and outside the 5 physical senses.

The more we trust our intuition and listen to it, the better our choices and outcomes will be.