Misty Evans

Reiki Master Level 3 – Lesson 3: Understanding the Aura and Developing Intuition Through Scanning

What is the Aura?

The aura is an energy field that surrounds all living beings. It is a dynamic, multilayered system that reflects our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

The aura acts as both a protective shield and a mirror of our inner state, constantly interacting with the energies around us.

The layers of the aura are often described as:

  1. Physical Layer: Closest to the body, representing physical health.
  2. Emotional Layer: Reflects feelings and emotions.
  3. Mental Layer: Holds thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.
  4. Spiritual Layer: Represents our connection to higher consciousness and universal energy.

When the aura is strong and balanced, it supports overall well-being. When it’s weakened or has holes, energetic imbalances can manifest as physical or emotional challenges.


How Scanning Practices Strengthen Intuition

Scanning the aura involves using your hands and inner awareness to sense the energy field around the body. This practice is essential for Reiki practitioners because it helps you:

  1. Identify Blockages: Locate areas of stagnant or disrupted energy.
  2. Strengthen Intuition: Trust the subtle sensations, thoughts, or emotions that arise during the scan.
  3. Enhance Connection: Deepen your understanding of how energy flows within and around the body.


Using Dai Ko Myo During Aura Work

Dai Ko Myo amplifies the Reiki practitioner’s energy and heightens the sensitivity needed to read and interact with the aura. When you invoke Dai Ko Myo before scanning, you are guided by the “Great Bright Light,” aligning with universal wisdom.

What to Expect:

  • You may feel sensations in your hands, such as tingling, heat, or coolness.
  • You might perceive images, colors, or intuitive thoughts about the person’s energy field.
  • Some areas may feel denser or more fluid, indicating imbalances or harmony.

How to Trust Your Inner Guidance:

  • Approach each session with an open mind and no judgment.
  • Trust the first sensation or thought that comes to you—this is often the most intuitive insight.
  • Use your breath to stay grounded and centered if doubts arise.
  • Document your experiences to track patterns and build confidence in your abilities.


Script for Aura Repair


  • Ask your client to sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and take a moment to center yourself, invoking Dai Ko Myo.
  • Set an intention, such as, “I offer healing and balance to this energy field.”

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Scan the Aura:
    • Hold your hands about 6–12 inches above the client’s body.
    • Slowly move your hands from head to toe, noticing any sensations, resistance, or areas of warmth, coolness, or tingling.
    • Pause over any area that feels “off” and take a mental note.
  1. Cleanse the Aura:
    • Visualize golden light radiating from your palms.
    • Sweep your hands over the body in long, fluid motions, moving from the crown of the head down to the feet.
    • Imagine clearing away stagnant energy as if brushing off dust or cobwebs.
  1. Seal Holes or Tears:
    • Focus on any areas that felt weak or disrupted during the scan.
    • Visualize a glowing golden light (activated by Dai Ko Myo) filling in those spaces, repairing and strengthening the energy field.
    • Use circular hand motions over these areas while silently repeating, “This field is whole, strong, and protected.”
  1. Reinforce Boundaries:
    • Imagine a protective layer of golden light surrounding the client’s body.
    • Slowly trace this layer with your hands, affirming its strength and resilience.
    • Say aloud or silently, “You are surrounded by healing energy and light.”
  1. Ground and Close:
    • Place your hands on the client’s shoulders or feet to ground their energy.
    • Thank the client’s energy for allowing you to work with it and thank the universal energy for guiding the process.


Post-Session Reflection:
Invite the client to share how they feel and offer gentle guidance based on what you observed. Encourage them to drink water and rest to integrate the energetic shifts.