Misty Evans

Reiki Master Level 3 – Lesson 2: The Reiki Master Symbol – Dai Ko Myo

Introduction to Dai Ko Myo
The Dai Ko Myo symbol is known as the Master Symbol in Reiki and represents enlightenment, empowerment, and divine connection.

Translated as “Great Bright Light” or “Great Shining Light,” it serves as a reminder of the universal energy that flows through all beings and connects us to the source of life.

This symbol is considered the pinnacle of Reiki practice. It enhances spiritual development, strengthens healing abilities, and facilitates deep energetic transformation.

Reiki practitioners use it to amplify energy, perform attunements, and connect with their higher selves.


The Significance of Dai Ko Myo


Spiritual Awakening: Dai Ko Myo helps practitioners and recipients achieve higher consciousness and deeper spiritual insights.

Amplification of Energy: It strengthens and magnifies the flow of Reiki energy, making treatments more potent.

Healing on All Levels: It works on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, addressing root causes rather than symptoms.

Teacher’s Tool: Essential for attunements, it allows Masters to pass on Reiki energy to others.


How to Draw Dai Ko Myo


Begin at the top with a downward spiral, moving clockwise.


Follow with a line extending downward from the spiral.


Add horizontal lines across the downward stroke, like steps or platforms, finishing with a single vertical stroke at the bottom.


Draw the symbol multiple times while visualizing its energy flowing through you.


When to Use Dai Ko Myo:

Self-Reiki: For deeper healing and spiritual growth.

Reiki Treatments: To empower energy flow and address deeper issues.

Attunements: To activate and align the recipient with universal energy.

Meditation: To connect with higher consciousness.


Affirmation to Use:
“I am a channel for the Great Bright Light. With Dai Ko Myo, I empower and heal with love and wisdom.”


Visualization Exercise: Embodying Dai Ko Myo

This guided exercise helps students connect with Dai Ko Myo’s energy and integrate it into their practice.


Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.

Sit comfortably with your spine straight and hands resting on your lap.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths to center yourself.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Ground Yourself:
    Visualize roots extending from the base of your spine into the Earth, anchoring you firmly. Feel the Earth’s energy rising up to support and nourish you.
  2. Invoke Dai Ko Myo:
    In your mind’s eye, see the Dai Ko Myo symbol forming in radiant golden light above your head. Imagine it spinning gently, filling the space with its brilliance.
  3. Channel the Energy:
    Picture the golden light flowing down through your crown chakra, bathing your entire body in warm, healing energy. See it spreading to every cell, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
  4. Amplify Intention:
    Silently repeat: “I am one with the Great Bright Light.” “I amplify healing energy within me and through me.”
  5. Expand the Light:
    Imagine the light extending beyond your body, creating a glowing aura around you. See it reaching out to the world, offering healing and peace to all who need it.
  6. Reflection:
    Allow yourself to sit in this state of radiant light for a few moments. Notice any sensations, emotions, or messages that arise.
  7. Seal the Practice:
    Visualize the symbol gently descending into your heart chakra, where it remains as a source of empowerment and guidance.
  8. Closing:
    Take a deep breath and slowly bring your awareness back to the room. Open your eyes and journal any insights or feelings you experienced.



  • Practice this visualization daily for a week.
  • Journal how the energy of Dai Ko Myo feels during each practice and reflect on any changes in your energy or perceptions.